Ski-pro components, continued – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 18

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An Overview of SKI-Pro


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

Raw Data Import

The Raw Data Import component enables you to import
GPS field data into SKI-Pro.

It is possible to transfer GPS raw observations for post-
processing along with related point information as well as
coordinates recorded in Real-Time into Projects or Coor-
dinate Sets.

GPS raw observations may be in Leica System 200, 300
or 500 format. Optionally GPS raw observations may be
imported in RINEX format. See also RINEX Import.

It is also possible to import coordinate files in ASCII
format into Projects or Coordinate Sets.

Additionally, there is the facility to import Precise
Ephemeris data.

ASCII Import

The ASCII Import component enables you to import
coordinates and baselines from pre-defined or user-
defined files.

You may import pre-defined files of Leica standard format
SKI-ASCII or IDEX (InDependent EXchange format).

An import wizard allows to define unknown file formats
and enables you to import any kind of user-defined
coordinate files.

SKI-Pro components, continued