Lesson three - creating a coordinate system – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual
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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing
Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en
Lesson Three - Creating a Coordinate System
In this Lesson you will learn how to create a Coordinate
A Coordinate System defines the parameters used to
calculate different coordinate representations. If a Coordi-
nate System is attached to a Project or a Coordinate Set it
enables you to switch between displaying the coordinates
in Cartesian (X,Y,Z), Geodetic (Latitude, Longitude,
Height) or Grid (Easting, Northing, Height) format. Addi-
tionally if a Transformation is defined you can switch the
coordinates of a Project between the WGS84 and a local
What we already know of our Coordinate System is that
the local Ellipsoid is Bessel and the Map Projection is
UTM32 North. The Transformation is not yet known and
has to be determined by using the Datum/Map tool first.
To open the Coordinate System Management:
From the Tools menu or Management List Bar, select
Coordinate System Management.
The following Explorer-View appears:
First you have to define the Map Projection:
In the Tree-View right-click on Projection and select
The following Property page appears:
Fill in the Property page as above.
Click OK to confirm.