Ski-pro components, continued – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual
Page 16

An Overview of SKI-Pro
Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en
Coordinate Set Management
The Coordinate Set Management manages Coordinate
Sets that are stored in the SKI-Pro database.
A Coordinate Set is a list of point coordinates that are
stored independently from Projects. A Coordinate System
may be assigned to a Coordinate Set, allowing you to
switch between Cartesian, Geodetic and Grid coordinates.
Points can be added either manually, by importing via
ASCII file or by dragging from an existing Project.
A Coordinate Set can either hold WGS84 or
Local Coordinates but does not allow to switch
between them.
Coordinate System Management
A coordinate system provides the information necessary
to convert coordinates to different representations (Carte-
sian, Geodetic or Grid) and to transform coordinates
between the WGS84 and the Local System. A Coordinate
System may be attached to a Coordinate Set or to a
Within SKI-Pro the user can work in the global system
(WGS84) or in a local coordinate system. The local
coordinate system may be a geodetically defined system
or it may be a simple grid system with neither an ellipsoid
nor a projection associated with it.
The Coordinate System Management is linked to a
database that stores the parameters. This database is
independent from the project database.
SKI-Pro components, continued