Ski-pro components, continued – Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 15

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An Overview of SKI-Pro


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

Project Management

All GPS data that is collected and that belongs together
can be organized in SKI-Pro within a single Project. This
Project could contain, for example, all data relating to a
particular contract you are carrying out for a client.

In the Project Management you can create, open, and edit
projects as well as register projects not contained in the
project list. The Project Management can also be used to
attach and modify Coordinate Systems.

Never delete a project or any of the files
contained within a project from outside SKI-Pro.
Always use the Project Management to delete

unwanted projects. Deletion of projects or project files
from outside of SKI-Pro can result in the destruction of the
consistency of the database, which will lead to
unrecoverable database errors.

The following external programs cannot be accessed from
within SKI-Pro but are installed automatically with SKI-Pro:

Satellite Availability

Road Line Editor

Format Manager

These programs are not explained in this manual. Please
refer to the corresponding Manuals or Help Systems of
the programs for more information.

SKI-Pro components, continued