Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 61

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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

Lesson Seven - Exporting Coordinates to an ASCII File

In this Lesson you will learn how to Export coordinates to
a user defined ASCII file.

You can export coordinates to a variety of
other pre-defined formats. Please refer to the
On-line Help Export ASCII and Export GIS/
CAD for more information.

While the Project is still open:

From the Export menu select ASCII,


from the Tools List Bar or Toolbar select Export ASCII


The following dialog appears:

Under Save in select a path.

Under Save as type select Text File.

Enter a File name e.g. PP Sample1 without extension.

Since you are using this export type for the first time you
have to modify the Settings:

Click on the Settings button to change the export
