Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 58

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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

The following view appears and displays the residuals:

This view allows you to judge the quality of the transfor-
mation. Additionally you may display a Chart of the
residuals or a Report by clicking on the appropriate tabs
at the bottom of the window.

Right-click on the background and select Store.

The following dialog allows you to store the transformation
parameters, create a new coordinate system based on the
coordinate system of System B and attach it to the project
(System A).

Enter a name e.g. PP Sample WGS-local, check


two boxes and click on OK to confirm.

By default the names of the new transforma-
tion parameter set and the new coordinate
system are the same. You may change the
name of the coordinate system if you wish.

The transformation parameters and the new coordinate
system are now stored and the new coordinate system is
already attached to the project.

Continue with Lesson Six - Using a Coordinate System.

Lesson Five - Calculating Transformation Parameters, continued