Leica Geosystems SKI-Pro User Manual

Page 60

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Quick Tour II - Post-Processing


Getting Started with SKI-Pro-2.5en

Since you are now using a Coordinate System with
Ellipsoid, Map Projection and Transformation defined, you
are able to switch the Coordinate System to Local and
change the Coordinate type to Grid.

Using the Coordinate Format Toolbar it is possible to
switch between the following different possibilities:

WGS 1984 Cartesian

WGS 1984 Geodetic

Local Cartesian

Local Geodetic (Bessel Ellipsoid)

Local Grid (UTM 32 North Projection)

From the Toolbar click on Local and then Grid.

The view displays Local coordinates in Grid format:

The local grid coordinates of the unknown points TP214
and TP306 are now available.

You may now print the list
continue with Lesson Seven - Exporting local coordinates
to an ASCII file.

Lesson Six - Using a Coordinate System with a Project, continued