CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual
Page 99

3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R
3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer
Typical Display:
With a successful download, the screen will display the following example:
C:\PRODUCT>dwnbin -t -s
DWNBIN Version 1.0 Copyright Canoga Perkins 1997
Reboot remote unit...
Accessing remote unit on COM2: OK
Checking version compatibility: OK (Remote unit boot firmware: V1.00)
Target Boot Code is running self test: OK
Checking remote unit code checksum: OK
Switching to high speed transfer mode: OK
143324 bytes to transfer: OK
Transferred bytes: 100%
Remote unit is verifying file format: OK
Remote unit is moving file to FLASH memory: OK
Checking remote unit code checksum: OK
Successful File Transfer
If a failure should occur during the download process or during testing, the screen will display the failure type. Verify that all
the steps shown in the display indicate OK.
If the display shows:
'Accessing remote unit on COM2: BAD'
The remote unit is not responding to DWNBIN polls. This could be the result of a bad connection between the PC and the
remote unit or the COM port currently being used by another program.
If the display shows:
"Checking version compatibility: BAD"
DWNBIN and the firmware running on the 3240S are not compatible.
If the display shows:
'Target Boot Code is running self test: BAD'
The 3240S boot code firmware, also defined as the firmware used to perform firmware upgrade, has failed its self test. The
downloading operation cannot be performed with a faulty unit.
If the display shows:
'Checking remote unit code checksum: BAD'
The 3240S firmware verification has failed. The firmware is corrupted and will not function properly. It will be necessary to
download the firmware again.
If the display shows:
'Switching to high speed transfer mode: BAD'
The PC probably can not handle the 155200bps speed. Possibly try downloading with a different computer.
Figure B-2
Typical Screen display of a successful transfer