CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual

Page 98

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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R

3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer

Typical download operation:

Create a new directory (for example:




Copy all the files from the diskette to the




Connect the target EIA-232 DTE connector (on the Management Module) to serial port COM2 (usually a 25-pin male
connector) or COM1 (9-pin male connector) on the PC with a straight-through cable. The front panel switch must be on
the DTE position.


Activate the loader:


DOS prompt > dwnbin

(if connected to COM2)

DOS prompt > dwncode -com1 (if connected to COM1)


Cycle the power on the 3240S.


The download operation will start; it takes about 2 minutes to download the new code.


After a successful load, the 3240S will run the new code automatically.

DWNBIN Detailed Operation:
DWNBIN is a DOS program used to download a firmware upgrade to a piece of equipment over a serial port. When invoked
at the DOS prompt, it will download the default file ROM.BIN to the 3240S over the COM2 port.

Anytime DWNBIN is invoked, it is necessary to cycle the power at the 3240S when the screen displays:

Reboot remote unit...

Accessing remote unit on COM2:

This is the only time when DWNBIN and the 3240S boot code can establish a connection.

Several options can be entered at the prompt. The typical usage is as the following:

DWNBIN [Options] [Filename]



can be:


This displays the DWNBIN version number. It also describes the usage for DWNBIN.EXE. No other arguments shall
be added to the command line along with ?.

-com1 or -com2


This is to select the serial port used to down load the file to the 3240S. Verify that the cable is plugged into the selected
COM port. This port should not be used by another application in a multi-tasking environment.


Request 3240S boot code self test. This can be used to verify problems with the boot firmware on board the target.


Verify 3240S firmware checksum. This can be used to verify the integrity of the FLASH memory.

If -s is not followed explicitly with a file name, DWNBIN will only perform the 3240S firmware checksum
and will not download anything to the 3240S.


This is the path and the file name of the file that DWNBIN will send to the 3240S. The default file name is ROM.BIN.

At any time, to terminate DWNBIN.EXE, press Ctrl Break.
