CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual
Page 100

3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R
3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer
If the display shows:
'XXXXXX bytes to transfer: BAD'
The file size is too big for the remote unit. Verify the file name.
If the display shows:
'Remote unit is verifying file format: BAD'
The remote unit was unable to verify the file format. Verify the file name.
If the display shows:
'Remote unit is moving the file to FLASH memory: BAD'
The remote unit might be defective. Try again.
If the display shows:
'Checking remote unit code checksum: BAD'
A problem occurred during the file transfer. Verify the file name and try again.
DWNBIN Error Messages:
The following error messages might appear on the screen to report a problem.
'DWNBIN Error: Unrecognized argument'
The arguments following DWNBIN on the command line are not correct. Verify the syntax (type DWNBIN ? to display the
correct usage).
'DWNBIN Error: Remote unit is not responding'
The 3240S is not responding to DWNBIN polls. This could be the result of a bad connection between the PC and the remote
unit or the COM port currently being used by another program.
'DWNBIN Error: Target did not recognize file format'
The 3240S did not recognize the received data format. Verify the file name, the path, and unit type.
'DWNBIN Error: Target receiver error'
The 3240S is informing DWNBIN that it has received erroneous data at a byte level. Try downloading again.
DWNBIN Error: Target memory error
The 3240S is unable to perform an erase or write operation to its FLASH memory.
DWNBIN Error: Unrecognized acknowledgment value
DWNBIN received an unrecognized acknowledgment. This could happen if DWNBIN and the 3240S boot code are not
compatible. Verify the unit type.
'DWNBIN Error: # setting port'
'DWNBIN Error: # setting port characteristics'
These errors report a problem while initializing the selected serial COM port. This could be because of a Hardware or
Software Resource problem. Make sure that the selected COM port is operational and not used by another program. Error #22
means that the serial port can not be found.
'DWNCODE Error: Downloaded code is not valid'
Instead of the "Successful File Transfer" message, the screen will show this message if the downloaded code is not valid.
Verify the file name, file path, unit type, and try downloading again.