3 bootp, 3 bootp -12 – CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual

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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R

3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer

4.8.3 BOOTP

BOOTP must be enabled if the Management Module needs to obtain its IP address from a BOOTP server. If BOOTP is
enabled, BOOTP requests are broadcast randomly and permanently to the local network until a reply is received or the
operator selects the 'Esc' key as prompted to continue. BOOTP can be disabled once the IP address is known. To enable or
disable BOOTP, select '4,' then 'Enter' from the Agent Configuration Menu. The Enable BOOTP screen will appear as
referenced in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7

BOOTP Enable Screen
