1 e1-v.35 i/o card – CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual

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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R

3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer

4.2 Interface Module (I/O) Setup Switches and Jumpers

This refers to any setup switches or jumpers that are on the I/O circuit board inside the unit or any switch that is on the rear
panel of the I/O module.

4.2.1 Managed T1X - I/O Card Setup Switches and Jumpers

Internal Switches and Jumpers - The Time Slot Jumper and Line Build Out Switches must be set to match the user
requirements. Refer to Section 2.3.1, "Model T1X - 4-Port Interface Module," for a detailed description of these jumpers
and switches. The Time Slot Jumper can be read but not controlled by the NMS. The Line Build Out Switches cannot be
read or controlled by the NMS.

The Line Coding switch for each port must be set to the OPEN position. Leaving the switch in this position allows the
NMS to control the Line Coding for each port. Upon card removal or power loss, the NMS restores the last setting when
the system is reestablished.

External Switch Setting - The I/O Port Mode (MODE) Switch must be set to the NORM position. Leaving the switch in
this position allows the management system to control the I/O Port Local and Remote Loopbacks for each port. Upon
card removal or power loss, the NMS restores the last setting when the system is reestablished.

4.2.2 Managed E1X - I/O Card Setup Switches and Jumpers

Internal Jumpers - The Time Slot Jumper must be set to match the user requirements. Refer to Section 2.3.2,
"Model E1X - 3-Port I/O Card," for a description of this jumper. This function can be read, but not controlled by the NMS.

The Line Coding Jumper for each port must be removed (OUT). Leaving the jumper off allows the management system
to control the I/O Port Line Coding for each port. Upon card removal or power loss, the NMS restores the last setting
when the system is reestablished.

External Switch Setting - The I/O Port Mode (MODE) Switch must be set to the NOR position. Leaving the switch in this
position allows the NMS to control the I/O Port Local and Remote Loopbacks for each port. Upon card removal or power
loss, the NMS restores the last setting when the system is reestablished. E1-V.35 I/O Card

On the E1-V.35 I/O Module, keep the CLK MODE switch set to the factory default, which means SCTE from a remote
source will clock the Tx data.

INT/EXT in the EXT, or external position.

OSC/SLV in the SLV, or slave position.

4.2.3 Non-Managed MDSO I/O Card Setup Switches and Jumpers

If you are utilizing a non-managed MDSO I/O card in your application, you will have several switches that must be correctly
configured for this I/O Module Card to operate optimally. The MDSO I/O cards are not controlled by the NMS and must be
physically configured to user requirements. Refer to Chapter 2, Section 2.3.4, "Model MDSO 4-Port Unmanaged I/O Card,"
for instructions on how to setup your MDSO card.
