B.3 tftp software upgrade – CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual
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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R
3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer
B.3 TFTP Software Upgrade
Figure B-3 shows the physical connection required in order to perform a software upgrade with a PC running a Trivial File
Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server program.
In order to upgrade the 3240S software over the 10BASE-T, the management module, as well as the TFTP server, must be set
up properly. The 10BASE-T Ethernet provides a faster transfer time than the serial port. Also, when using a TFTP server, the
different software version can be centralized under the TFTP root directory.
Since TFTP uses TCP/IP, the SNMP management configuration must be done prior to doing a software upgrade. The
operator must enter an IP address, a Subnet Mask and default gateway IP address for the SNMP agent. A default gateway IP
address will be required when the TFTP server and the 3240S are on different IP networks. In this case, a router is used
between the server and the 3240S. The IP addresses for the 3240S SNMP agent and the TFTP server must be properly
selected. This means that the network section of the IP addresses for the 3240S and the TFTP server must be identical if they
are both connected via an Ethernet hub. The TFTP server must be set up properly. Refer to the instructions provided with the
TFTP server to set up the root directory where the 3240S.zip file must be located. From the user interface running over the
serial port or from a TELNET session, select Main Menu/Upgrade Software/TFTP Software Upgrade.
The screen will show:
TFTP Software Upgrade
Enter TFTP Host IP Address (e.g.,
Enter the TFTP server IP address; for instance, The screen will show:
Enter TFTP Host IP Address (e.g., 180.0.06): Is this correct? [Y/N]: y
Save in Non Volatile RAM? [Y/N]: y
Enter file name or CR for 3240S.zip
The steps described show how to enter the IP address for the TFTP server and how to save it in the non volatile memory on
the management board for future software upgrades. At this point, the file name might be entered if it is different from
3240S.zip, or the 'Enter' key might be pressed to accept the default selection, 3240S.zip. Typically, software upgrades will be
distributed in the 3240S.zip file. It is up to the user to rename a previous 3240S.zip software before overwriting it with a new
3240S.zip file in the TFTP server root directory. The next prompt is:
Transfer to remote unit now? [Y/N]:
The operator must enter Y if he/she desires to upgrade the software at the remote unit (located at the other side of the fiber
links) once the local unit has received the new software over the Ethernet port with TFTP. It is recommended to select Y since
both units on each side of the fiber links should run the same software. The operator can select N if the new software cannot
or should not be transferred to the remote unit; for instance, when the remote unit is down. Nevertheless, the software
upgrade for the remote unit should be performed as early as possible to ensure compatibility (refer to Section B.2, "Remote
Unit Download").