3 line coding b8zs or ami, 4 rear panel switches and indicators – CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual

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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R

3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer Line Coding B8ZS or AMI

SW1 and SW3 are separate switches for setting the line coding for each port. B8ZS (Binary 8 Zero Substitution) coding is
selected by closing DIP switch positions 4 and 8. Open the DIP switch positions to select AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion)
coding. Any equipment attached at each end of the link, as well as both T1 ports at each 3240S, must be set for identical
coding or errors will be recorded wherever the coding does not match. This function can be set by the NMS providing the
switch settings are in the open position. Section 4, Managed Operation may be referenced for further details.

The line-coding switch for each port is as follows:

Port 1: S1-4

• Port 3: S3-4

Port 2: S1-8

• Port 4: S3-8

The factory setting for line coding is OPEN, which is AMI coding. Leaving the switch in this position allows the management
system to control line coding.

Line Build Out - The line build out cannot be set via the NMS. Reference Table 2-A for switch settings. Three switches per
channel are provided for setting the line build out for each port.

Port 1: S1-1, -2, and -3

• Port 3: S3-1, -2, and -3

Port 2: S1-5, -6, and -7

• Port 4: S3-5, -6, and -7 Rear Panel Switches and Indicators

Each of the four ports has a three position switch and three LEDs associated with it. The LEDs and mode switch are located
on the front edge of the interface module, and to the left of the T1 connectors with which they are associated.

The function of the LEDs is as follows:

LOS – The Loss of Signal Indicator when illuminated signifies that no signal is present on the T1 input; pins 1 and 9 on
the DA-15 connector, and 4 and 5 on the RJ-48C connector.

AIS – The Alarm Indicator Signal when illuminated signifies that an “all 1’s” signal is present on the T1 input; pins 1
and 9 on the DA-15 connector, and 4 and 5 on the RJ-48C connector.

LOOP – The I/O Port Loopback Indicator works in conjunction with the I/O Port Mode Switch and management to give
a visual indication at both ends of the fiber link that an I/O port's local or remote loopback is active.

The I/O Port Mode Switch (I/O Port Loopback or Test Switch), is a three-position switch (LOC/NORM/REM) used to set
I/O Port Local and Remote Loopbacks. For normal operation, set this switch to the NOR position. Loopback functionality is
further described in Chapter 2, Section 2.5.6.

LOC – Setting this switch to Local causes a local I/O Port loopback to be set on the local multiplexer as well as on the
remote unit.

NORM – Setting the switch to Normal sets the I/O Port to normal full duplex operation (i.e. no loopback set).

REM – Setting the switch to Remote causes a remote I/O Port loopback to be activated at the local multiplexer, and a local
loopback will be activated on the remote multiplexer.

The loopback function can be controlled via the NMS with the switch set in the normal position. Refer
to Chapter 4 Section 4.9.1, System Configuration Status for a description of loopbacks functionality
via the NMS.
