4 rear panel indicators - definitions, 1 rear panel system indicators, 2 rear panel redundant optics indicators – CANOGA PERKINS 3240S SNMP Managed Fiber Optic Multiplexer User Manual

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3240S F I B E R O P T I C M U L T I P L E X E R

3240S Fiber Optic Multiplexer

2.5.4 Rear Panel Indicators - Definitions

Seven LED indicators and five system switches populate the Rear Panel of the 3240S. This does not include the I/O Module
Cards which are covered in Sections 2.4 (T1), 2.5 (E1), and 2.6 (MDSO). Rear Panel System Indicators

PWR - Power Indicator (green). This indicator is illuminated whenever the main circuit card is receiving +5VDC from the
internal power supplies. Two indicators for power are duplicated on the Front Panel and labeled, Power A and B.

SYNC LOSS - Sync Loss Indicator (red). This indicator is illuminated whenever the optical receiver cannot synchronize
with the signal coming from the remote multiplexer. 'SYNC LOSS' is duplicated on the front panel where it is labeled LOS.

LOOP - Loop Indicator (red). This indicator works in conjunction with the System Mode Switch and management to
render a visual representation of an active system local or remote loopback, not to be confused with an I/O loopback.
'Loop' is duplicated on the Front Panel.

SLV - Slave Indicator (red). This indicator is illuminated if the Master/Slave switch, accessible from the rear panel, is set
to the Slave position. This indicator is duplicated on the Front Panel where it is labeled SLAVE. Rear Panel Redundant Optics Indicators

REDUNDANT OPTICS AUTO - Redundant Optics Auto Indicator (green). This indicator is illuminated when the
Redundant Optics Switch located on the rear panel is in the AUTO position. 'AUTO' is duplicated on the Front Panel.

REDUNDANT OPTICS SEC - Redundant Optics Secondary Optics Indicator (red). This indicator will illuminate when
the system is operating on the secondary optic link. This could be indicative of a Primary Link failure, or the Redundant
Optics Switch, located on the Rear Panel, being set to the SEC position. 'SEC' is duplicated on the Front Panel.

REDUNDANT OPTICS ALM - Redundant Optics Alarm Indicator (red). This indicator is illuminated when either the
secondary fiber optic link has failed, or when an automatic switch over has occurred. 'ALM' is duplicated on the
Front Panel.

2.5.5 Rear Panel Switches - Definitions

MODE - Mode Switch. The System Mode Switch (also referred to as the System Loopback or Test Switch) is a three-
position switch (LOC/NORM/REM) used to set System Local and Remote Loopbacks.

LOC - Local, causes a local system loopback to be set on both ends of the link.

NORM - Normal, sets the unit for normal operation (i.e., no loopbacks set).

REM - Remote, causes a remote loopback to be set at the local multiplexer and a local loopback to be set at the remote

This function can be controlled via the NMS, however the MODE Switch must be left in the NORM position in order for
the NMS to assume control. Refer to Section 2.7, "System and I/O Port Loopbacks," for a description of the types of
loopbacks that can be set.

MAST/SLV - Master/Slave Switch. This switch should always be in the MAST position. This will set the 3240S to
operate in a point-to-point application. Wherein both of the multiplexer Master/Slave switches should be set to Master
(MAST). Using the Master/Slave Ring application, one of the multiplexers is set to Master (MAST) and all others are set
to the Slave (SLV) position.
