Garmin GPS 120 User Manual
Garmin GPS receiver
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Optional Accessories:
- What is GPS?
- How Docs GPS Work?
- What are the Advantages of GPS Navigation?
- 35Г s.ev
- N 38*53.547‘ 1^09-1*48. W
- 108 l^T i 7^P»
- 15:-47:32
- N 38*53.850 W094*-18.478'
- 108i 74^r
- 15:<18:11
- Uaypoint:
- N 25*02.8S5‘ U 077*23.467'
- Add io route number:
- 153^
- 25.8R»
- Route Waypoint Can't be Delete!
- Horinal?
- 30 seconds
- tone: MSG Only
- Normal
- BATE 18 JftN BA TINE 12:31:28 OFFSET!
- 30 seconds
- TONE! MSG Only
- Normal
- 30 seconds
- tone: MSG Only
- UGS 8^
- UMTS! Nauiicol
- Guio Hag E084
- nnchor Drug:
- Time Iпier^^ctl:
- RTCM/NMEñ HMEñ 8183 2.0 4888 baud
- fNR 8dB
- Tuning
- RTCM/KMEfl NMER 8183 2.0 4888 baud
- RATE! 25bps
- No Status
- MTE 18 JAH 94 TIKE 06:40:29 »FFfET: -06:06
- 30 seconds
- TONE! MSG Only
- 006^ [10.0^
- N 25^05.180* W 077^21.118*
- 425fT i 74fT
- 10:47:04
- 006* 10.0’V
- Bl 25*05.180‘ W 077*21.113'
- 10:47:22