Report content – Welch Allyn Holter System - User Manual User Manual
Page 49

Directions for Use
ST Depression per channel - selected on maximum average ST Depression found
(2 per channel)
Report Content
The Analysis program provides results in several different formats. The application
provides a sample report (MIT 219) you may print to help you understand the report
content described below. Each report contains a header and footer that describes patient,
date and time of procedure, current clinical settings, and other data. Each report page is
sequentially numbered.
Summary Page
The Summary page contains a section with Patient detail information. This page contains
examples of the most severe arrhythmia categories. Pauses, Ventricular and
Supraventricular examples are presented as a mini strip format. Adjacent to each strip is
some numerical information relative to that pattern category. Both Ventricular and
Supraventricular Runs present numerical information for the Longest, Slowest and Fastest
Run. The Longest refers to the ventricular run with the largest number of ventricular
beats. Slowest and Fastest refer to Runs that contain the highest and lowest Ventricular
or Supraventricular Heart Rate. The Ventricular Heart Rate is based on the average Heart
Rate of all ventricular beats within the run. Supraventricular heart Rate is based on the
Heart Rate of all Supraventricular beats within the run.
The tabular page(s) contains hourly information as well as procedure total related
information. It contains 25 hours to allow for a partial hour at the beginning and end of the
recording. The tabular contains hourly counts for:
Minimum Heart Rate
Average Heart Rate
Maximum Heart Rate
Total QRS count
Ventricular Run Count
Ventricular Couplet Count
Ventricular Isolate Count
Total Ventricular Count
Ventricular /1000
Supraventricular Run Count
Supraventricular Couplet Count
Supraventricular Isolated Count
Total Supraventricular Count
Total Pause Count
The hard copy strips are presented in two different formats including diagnostic and mini
format. The diagnostic page contains two strips that are full scale. The Mini strips are
organized as 4 rows of two columns. Calibration marks are provided at the left side of the
strip. This calibration mark represents a 1-millivolt amplitude signal in the strip.
The clinician can select different scaling factors of x0.25, x0.5, x1.0, x2.0 and x4.0.