1 how this manual works – Welch Allyn Atlas Monitor - User Manual User Manual
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1 How This Manual Works
This manual is arranged so that everything about one topic is found in a single section. The statement
immediately below the chapter title (like this one) appears in italics and presents the important points of
the topic. Most topics include an illustration or a table. The chapters are numbered so that logically
connected topics begin with the same number-- for example 2.1 and 2.2.
The Welch Allyn Atlas Monitor and this manual
are designed for ease of use. Everything you
need to know about a specific operation of the
monitor is available in one place. This means
you can see all the required information at a
Redundancy - There is some redundancy in this
manual; some step-by-step procedures are
repeated in many places wherever they are
pertinent. We did this so you would not have to
search through other pages to find what you
need to know “right now.”
For instance, setting an alarm limit is fully
explained in the section on blood pressure, again
in the section on SpO
, and in several other
Paragraphs - The statement in italics
immediately below the chapter heading
describes what the section is about. Sometimes
just reading this and looking at the illustrations
will give you enough information.
Section Numbers - The double numbered pages
indicate the relationship between the main
subject and closely related topics.
The sections are organized so that what you
want to know first is put first. Like most medical
professionals who use the Atlas Monitor, you
are probably very adept at taking blood pressure
and connecting ECG leads to patients, so the
section on how the Atlas Monitor is used for
monitoring patients and what you need to know
to operate the monitor comes first. We put the
information on connecting blood pressure cuffs
and ECG leads in a later section.
This manual is not meant for reading straight
through, like a book, although you can read it
that way. If you read it like this, the built-in
redundancy may become a little tedious. When
you read a paragraph or a step-by-step procedure
with which you are already familiar, just skip it.
It is there for the person who is doing the
activity for the first time.