Test children with pressure equalizer tubes, Noise sources, View results – Welch Allyn OAE Hearing Screener - User Manual User Manual

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1. Use a pacifier to calm the infant; however, sucking adds noise to the test and

decreases the likelihood of a PASS result.

2. Press either the LEFT or RIGHT control panel button to select which ear is tested.
3. Pull gently down and back on the pinna to straighten the ear canal.
4. Gently insert the eartip into the ear canal. It should fit snuggly and comfortably.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 to test the opposite ear.

Test children with pressure equalizer tubes

Disable the AutoStart probe check when testing children with pressure equalizer (PE)


1. Pull gently up and back on the outer ear to straighten the ear canal.
2. Insert the probe with the appropriate eartip into the ear canal and obtain a proper


3. Press and hold the arrow key that corresponds to the ear being tested until the

green READY light turns off.

4. Release the arrow key.

The screener calibrates and tests as before, applying the appropriate in-the-ear

stimulus intensity levels for patients with PE tubes.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 to test the opposite ear.

Noise sources

When the noise level exceeds the noise rejection limit of the screener, the red NOISE

light appears. It is common for the red NOISE light to appear while testing. The light

appears infrequently if the noise level in the ear canal is low, and it appear more

frequently if the noise level in the ear canal is high.

OAEs are very low-level sounds. Any noise in the ear canal at the time of testing can

mask this emission. This noise can come from a variety of sources.

The largest source of noise usually comes from the patient. This is biological noise, such

as movement, coughing, sucking, talking, and the like. The patient must be calm and not

move or talk. Ambient noise in the testing environment also can be a large source of

noise during the test. A properly sealed eartip blocks much of this noise but performing

the testing in a relatively quiet environment is recommended.

View results

When testing is complete, the green “READY” light is illuminated and the results for the

ear tested appears. The results screen indicates the test ear and gives the results of the


The results are automatically saved in memory as soon as the test completes. The

results are saved even if the screener is turned off or the battery is depleted.


When the screener is operating in the Save L/R Mode, the screener saves
only the last test for each ear. Starting a new test for the same ear
overwrites the existing test.

Directions for use

Test results 33