Glossary – Welch Allyn MicroTymp 3 portable tympanometric instrument - User Manual User Manual

Page 75

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acoustic admittance The ease with which acoustic energy is transferred into a system;

the ratio of volume velocity to sound pressure.

acoustic millimho (mmho) The unit of acoustic admittance; 1 mmho = 10





cholesteatoma See keratoma.

decapascal (daPa) The unit of air pressure used for tympanometric measurements.

1 daPa = 1.02 mm H



equivalent ear canal volume (+200 Vea) An estimate of the volume of air in front of the

probe, measured in cubic centimeters (cc).

keratoma A collection of keratinizing squamous epithelium that invades the middle ear;

keratoma frequently originates from a perforation in Shrapnell’s membrane (pars
flaccida) of the tympanic membrane; also called cholesteatoma.

lateral ossicular fixation Fixation of the malleus and/or incus, frequently caused by

tympanosclerosis, a complication of chronic otitis media.

middle ear effusion An accumulation of fluid (liquid) in the middle ear.

neomembrane A scar on the tympanic membrane; the scarred region may be thinner

and have a higher admittance than the normal tympanic membrane; also called

otalgia Ear ache or pain.

otitis media with effusion Inflammation of the middle ear, often accompanied by an

accumulation of fluid (liquid).

otorrhea External ear discharge.

otosclerosis A genetic abnormality of the temporal bone, frequently causing fixation of

the stapes and conductive hearing loss.

sound pressure The average (rms) difference between the air pressure that occurs

during sound transmission and the ambient air pressure.