Weiser Gatelatch User Manual
Installation instructions, Fig. d, Fig. a fig. b fig. c fig. g

PrePare Latch:
Checking figures A & B below, if (when standing outside your door), your situation is 1 or 2, your latch is
ready to install and you can skip 2b and proceed to 2c. If your situation is 3 or 4, continue to 2b and refer to
figure D.
Remove screw guide from latch, rotate latch and replace screw guide as shown.
Refering to figure C, prepare latch for easy installation into 1" (25mm) diameter hole, by doing the following:
(1) Depress latch bolts and hold depressed, (2) align the slide with the case and (3) hold slide in place until you
have (4) released latch bolts. This allows slide to remain inside case to clear 1" (25mm) diameter hole.
Reinstall the exterior and interior
assemblies onto door.
Remove hardware (interior and exterior deadbolt assembly and latch) from door. Remove deadbolt strike
from jamb.
Install latch with slant of bolt facing in the
direction that the door closes (refer to
figure E). Secure with screws. Once latch
is installed, depress latch bolts again to
prepare latch mechanism to align properly
for exterior assembly installation.
Center new strike plate over hole in jamb, trace outline and mortise any area require to allow new plate to
sit flush on jamb (refer to figure F). Install screws to secure. Important: Refering to figure G, auxiliary bolt
of latch must not enter strike plate hole. If auxiliary bolt enters strike plate hole or if door is too difficult to
close, reposition strike plate.
WARNING: This Manufacturer advises that no lock can provide complete security by itself. This lock
may be defeated by forcible or technical means, or evaded by entry elsewhere on the property. No lock
can substitute for caution, awareness of your environment, and common sense. Builder’s hardware is available
in multiple performance grades to suit the application. In order to enhance security and reduce risk, you should
consult a qualified locksmith or other security professional.
ADVERTENCIA: Este Fabricante hace saber que no hay cerrojos que puedan proporcionar completa
seguridad por sí mismos. Puede hacerse que falle este cerrojo forzándolo o utilizando medios técnicos, o
puede evadirse entrando por otra parte de la propiedad. No hay cerrojos que puedan hacer de sustitutos para la
precaución, el estar al tanto del entorno, y el sentido común. Pueden obtenerse piezas de ferretería de constructor
con diversos grados de rendimiento para ajustarse a la aplicación. Para realzar la seguridad y reducir los riesgos,
debe consultar con un cerrajero capacitado u otro profesional de seguridad.
AVERTISSEMENT: Le fabricant tient à vous aviser qu'aucun verrou ne peut à lui seul offrir une sécurité
complète. Ce verrou peut être mis hors d'état par la force ou des moyens techniques ou être évité par
l’utilisation d’une autre entrée sur la propriété. Aucun verrou ne peut remplacer la surveillance de votre environnement
et le bon sens. La quincaillerie pour le constructeur est offerte selon différents grades de performance pour différentes
applications. Afin d'augmenter la sécurité et de réduire le risque, vous devriez consulter un serrurier qualifié ou un
autre professionnel de la sécurité.
O u t s i d e
O u t s i d e
Remove guide
Rotate latch
fig. D
Replace guide
Release Bolts
fig. A
fig. B
fig. C
fig. G
iNstaLLatiON iNstructiONs.
fig. F
fig. E
For assistance or warranty information:
1-800-677-5625 usa
1-800-501-9471 caNada
or visit www.weiserlock.com
Pour de l’aide ou des informations sur la garantie,
veuillez appeler le
1-800-677-5625 usa
1-800-501-9471 caNada
ou visiter www.weiserlock.com
Si desea ayuda o información sobre la garantía, llame al
1-800-677-5625 usa
1-800-501-9471 caNada
o visite www.weiserlock.com