2 entering a product id, 3 entering a user field (1-3), 4 complete weighment – Rice Lake OnTrak Truck Scale Data Management - Operation Manual User Manual
Page 37: Entering a product id, Entering a user field (1-3), Complete weighment

Automated Weighing
If the job ID is not found, the 920i displays
Job ID was not found, try again or see attendant for help
Enter a valid job ID, seek an attendant for help, or press
to skip the prompt and proceed to the
next one.
Entering a Product ID
1. The 920i prompts driver for product ID.
The 920i displays
Please enter your Product ID
2. Enter product ID and press
If product ID is found and there are additional prompts, proceed to the next prompt.
If product ID is found and there are no additional prompts, proceed to complete weighment.
If product ID is not found the 920i displays
Product ID was not found, try again or see attendant for
. Enter a valid product ID, seek an attendant for help, or drive off the scale without completing
the transaction.
Entering a user Field (1-3)
1. The 920i prompts driver for user field.
The 920i displays
Please enter {User Field Name}
2. Enter user field ID and press
If there are additional prompts, proceed to the next prompt.
If there are no additional prompts, proceed to complete weighment.
Complete Weighment
The system performs the following actions:
The 920i displays
Processing, Please Wait
If the truck insurance in the OnTrak Software is expired, the 920i displays
Truck insurance has
expired, See attendant for help
. If the truck insurance has not expired, it will proceed to the next step.
The 920i captures the stable gross weight and sends it to OnTrak.
The OnTrak software will calculate gross, tare and net based on
the captured gross weight and the recalled inbound weight. The
software will perform value swapping if necessary.
The software stores the transaction to the OnTrak SQL
The system prints a ticket.
The 920i displays
Transaction Complete, Take ticket and exit scale
When the scale weight drops below threshold, the 920i returns to
step 1 on page 31.
The OnTrak Automated Weighing Kiosk will never prompt for customer or vendor.
Customers and vendors will be tied to a specific truck for shipping/receiving
The OnTrak Software has a Virtui driver. A Virtui license will be supplied to users with their purchase of an OnTrak license
if they are using an iQube2 with the Automated Weighing Kiosk system.
Loop detectors will not be supported if the A/D that OnTrak is getting weight from is NOT located in the Automated
Weighing Kiosk because it will not have a way to zero the scale.
Figure 6-2. OnTrak Display when
connection is broken or lost