Table 3-1) to – Rice Lake OnTrak Truck Scale Data Management - Operation Manual User Manual

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background image

Setting up OnTrak


2. From the left pane, expand the

Ticket Formatting

selection, if not already expanded.

3. Select

Receiving Inbound Format


The ticket editor appears in the right pane.

4. Using the toolbar buttons, insert pre-coded variables as desired.

5. To view how the ticket will look, click the



To print the code, click

Test Print


6. Similarly, the receiving outbound ticket, shipping inbound, shipping outbound, and audit can be edited

by selecting those options, from the left pane.


Will Insert

Gross Weight

Tare Weight

Net Weight

Net Weight Alternate Units

Transaction Date and Time (use pull-down menu for more

Transaction Notes (use pull-down menu for more options)

Customer ID (use pull-down menu for more options)

Vendor ID (use pull-down menu for more options)

Product ID (use pull-down menu for more options)

Job ID (use pull-down menu for more options)

Truck ID (use pull-down menu for more options)

ASCII Character

Font Selection

Table 3-1. Ticket editor buttons.