Command syntax netbootloader, Swap (two nbl flashes) – Kontron NetBootLoader User Manual

Page 83

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ID 1022-8317, Rev. 2.0

Command Syntax


Page 75


(Two NBL Flashes)


Modify or display the current NBL Flash memory device usage


swap [-t|-p]





option: temporary
temporary NBL Flash swap


option: permanent
permanent NBL Flash swap


The configuration of the NBL Flash memory devices (active or
inactive) is controlled by the IPMI controller, the payload (HOST),
and the switch SW2 (DIP switch position 2). The setting combination
of all three determines the current configuration.
The SWAP command is a toggle function meaning that when the
configuration is to be swapped, the SWAP command is invoked with
the “-t” option (temporary, at the next power on the configuration
reverts to the previous setting) or the “-p” option (permanently).
The current configuration can be determined by invoking the SWAP
command without either option.
If the board is not operated in an ATCA or µTCA environment (e.g.
on the AMEVAL1), startup problems may arise due to the
simultaneous startup of the payload (CPU) and the MMC. If the
assignment is configured as 'IPMI: reverse', the MMC switches the
Flashes during payload startup which normally causes a crash.
This can be circumvented by holding the payload startup with a
debug probe for a few seconds or by delaying the startup of the MMC
(switch 'AMC ENABLE' on the AMEVAL1) and then switching back to
'IPMI: straight' once the system is running.