EFCO 8750XD User Manual

Page 26

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EFCO 2012

Page 26

Series 8750XD Unitized Curtain Wall Installation Instructions

Weep area.


e. Using an approved solvent or cleaner, clean the sealant contact surfaces of the expansion cavity of the stack sill and jamb of all oils and

other contaminants. See Figure 50.


Apply a generous amount of sealant in both ends of the stack cavity approximately 4” to 6” long. See Figure 50.

g. Place the HC05 foam sealant backer into one end of the stack cavity with approximately 4” extending out of the cavity at split mullion and about 1/2”

extending from the face at jamb. The HC05 foam sealant backer should be applied to the jamb or split mullion half where the backer will be exposed
after the frame has been set. See Figure 50. The HC05 will be applied at both side of the jamb condition unit on each row. All sequential units will
get sealant on both side but will only get one HC05. These units will get the HC05 in the side opposing the previous unit.

h. Generously apply sealant to surface of he HC05 that will contact the stack leg of the sill or unit below. This should be done just before the units is set.

Apply a continuous bead of sealant up the entire split mull on the along the WC21 gasket and the adjacent snap leg (top to bottom). See figure 51.

Section 6 - Unit Inspection and Preparation for Installation

Clean the cavity at
the sill approximately
6” to 8“ from each
end. Apply a
generous amount of
sealant about 4” to 6”
into the cavity.

Push the HC05 foam backer into

the cavity so that it forces the

sealant into all corners of the

cavity to ensure a watertight

seal at unit installation.

Figure 51

Figure 50








Apply a generous
bead of sealant to
the length of the
HC05 foam backer.

Weep area.

Apply a continuous
bead of sealant up
the split mull along
the WC21 gasket.