EFCO 8750XD User Manual

Page 14

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EFCO 2012

Page 14

Series 8750XD Unitized Curtain Wall Installation Instructions

Section 3 - Static Starter Sill Preparation and Installation

Slide static loading clips in
place before anchoring sill

Apply shims between
starter sill and substrate.

Static Starter Sill

Figure 9

Shim starter

sill to proper



Pre-fabricated oversized
anchoring slot.

Serrated Washer

Anchor bolts as required.

Shim as necessary to

support entire load.

Figure 7

Figure 8

2. Verify that all job site conditions and accompanying substrates receiving the installation are in tolerance and are in accordance with the contract documents.
3. Pre-cleaning



where the caulk joints will be applied later may be advisable prior to setting the starter sill. Final cleaning and sealant primer

application where required should be performed only immediately before caulk joint sealant application.


Use established bench marks to ensure the accuracy of the starter sill location. Precise measurements and coordination with regard to established bench
marks are critical to ensure that the starter sills are installed in the correct location. Improperly installed, or miss-located starter sills will cause significant
problems for the remainder of the erection process. Align with slab anchors on all floors above before unit installation starts. See page 24 and shop drawings.

5. Refer to the approved shop drawings for type, size, and specific anchor details. Shim the starter sill to the proper elevation height making sure the starter sill

is level. The shims used must be full bearing shims. The shims must fully support the entire load bearing surface of the starter sill at each anchor location.
Refer to the project structural calculation package and final approved shop drawings for detailed information.


EFCO recommends minimum of a 1/2” caulk joint between the starter sill and the substrate.


When applying anchor bolts to the starter sill, pre-fabricated serrated washers (FM59 or FM60) must be used. The serrated washers will lock the starter sill
into position when the anchor bolt is tightened. See Figures 7 thru 9. After verifying the final position of the starter sill, secure the anchor bolts as required.