Section 3:static starter sill prep and install – EFCO 8750XD User Manual
Page 12

EFCO 2012
Page 12
Series 8750XD Unitized Curtain Wall Installation Instructions
Section 3 - Static Starter Sill Preparation and Installation
Pocket for
FM56 End Dam
Attach with
(2) STC7
Figure 1
Projects will be produced by EFCO in one of two ways: 1) As a stock length product where all fabrication, assembly, and glazing will be performed by
the customer, or: 2) Prefabricated “knock down” where EFCO fabricates the materials, and the customer performs the assembly, and glazing. The
materials shown here in the installation instructions may be received in the field with varying degrees of shop assembly, with some items shop installed,
and other items to be field installed. Certain assembly and installation procedures shown and described in this document may be performed in the shop
or the field at the discretion of the assembler.
1. Preparation of the Static Starter Sill:
a. The static starter sill may have an end dam pre-attached and sealed at the jamb condition. Ensure that the end dam is properly applied and sealed
to the starter sill as described below. This is a critical seal and the joint must be carefully tooled to create a watertight seal. See Figures 1, 2, 3 & 4.
b. The starter sill may have LC23 spacer pre-applied. The LC23 is cut to the length of the starter sill. The WEA2 gasket will not be applied at this point,
it will be applied once all sections of the sill are set to avoid having seams or splices. This will be covered later in these instructions.
c. Plug the both ends of the tubular section of the starter sill by recessing backer rod at least 1” into the end of the tube. Fill the voids in the tube and
between the thermal struts with sealant and tool smooth.
Clean all sealant contact surfaces using an approved solvent or cleaner of all oils and other contaminants. The sealant manufacturer’s
preparation and application instructions should be followed exactly. If sealant primer is required, apply it per the primer/sealant
manufacturer’s instructions.
Tool sealant smooth
into joints.
Plug with backer
rod and fill the
voids in the tube
and between the
thermal struts
with sealant and
tool sealant
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Silicone Sealant
along profile to be
covered by end
Ensure LC23
Butts into the
end dam
Back Seal
End Dam to
Starter Sill