Salter Brecknell SBI140 User Manual

Page 24

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weight. Minus sign follows after the first digit.

c) Useless leading zero before digits is suppressed.

2.3) Key to symbols used

Line Feed character (hex 0AH)

Carriage Return character (hex 0DH)

End of Text character (hex 03)

Space (hex 20H)

H1H2H3 Three status bytes

Polarity character including minus sign for negative weight and a pace

character for positive weight

W1-W7 weight data

decimal point

U1U2: measure units, kg, lb, or oz

2.4) Commands and response

(1) Command: W (57h 0dh)

^^^^^^^^^u1u2H1H2H3---over capacity
________u1u2 H1H2H3 ---under capacity
---------u1u2 H1H2H3---zero-point error

Note: If the weight unit is lb: oz, U1U2= oz in above item ①②③.


---Scale is stable, and the current weight unit is kg or lb. With or without

decimal point and the position is as per the P9 setting and current unit.



w1w2w3w4lb w5w6w7ozH1H2H3

----The current unit is lb: oz.

(2) Command: S (53h 0dh)

Response: H1H2H3

(3) Command: Z (5ah 0dh)

Response: Zero function is activated and it returns to current scale status. just
like pressing ZERO/ON/OFF button:


If ZERO function cannot be activated, it will return to current scale status.