Advanced configuration and power interface (acpi), Wake-up address patterns – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual

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Power State



System is at the lowest level of power consumption available that preserves data


Power is off, but system state is preserved


Power off

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)

Newer computers feature ACPI, which extends the APM concept to enable the OS to selectively control power. ACPI
supports a variety of power states. Each state represents a different level of power, from fully powered up to completely
powered down, with partial levels of power in each intermediate state.

ACPI Power States




On and fully operational


System is in low-power mode (sleep mode). The CPU clock is stopped, but RAM is powered on and being


Similar to S1, but power is removed from the CPU.


Suspend to RAM (standby mode). Most components are shut down. RAM remains operational.


Suspend to disk (hibernate mode). The memory contents are swapped to the disk drive and then reloaded
into RAM when the system is awakened.


Power off

Some newer machines do not support being woken up from a powered-off state.

NOTE: Dell supports all modes, S0 through S5. However, Wake on LAN is only supported in the S4 mode.

Remote wake-up can be initiated by a variety of user selectable packet types and is not limited to the Magic Packet
format. For more information about supported packet types, see the

operating system settings


See the System Documentation for information on supported power states.

Wake-Up Address Patterns

The wake-up capability of Intel adapters is based on patterns sent by the OS. You can configure the driver to the fol-
lowing settings using Intel PROSet for Windows. For Linux*, WoL is provided through the ethtool* utility. For more
information on ethtool, see the following Web site:



Wake on Directed Packet - accepts only patterns containing the adapter's Ethernet address in the Ethernet
header or containing the IP address, assigned to the adapter, in the IP header.


Wake on Magic Packet - accept only patterns containing 16 consecutive repetitions of the adapter's MAC


Wake on Directed Packet and Wake on Magic Packet - accepts the patterns of both directed packets and magic

Choosing "Wake on directed packet" will also allow the adapter to accept patterns of the Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) querying the IP address assigned to the adapter. If multiple IP addresses are assigned to an adapter, the oper-
ating system may request to wake up on ARP patterns querying any of the assigned addresses. However, the adapter
will only awaken in response to ARP packets querying the first IP address in the list, usually the first address assigned
to the adapter.

NOTE: The Intel PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter, PRO/1000 PT Server Adapter, PRO/1000 PF Server
Adapter do not support Directed Packets.