Dell Acceleration Appliances for Databases User Manual
Page 90

Minimal mode: User forced.
The ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state. The
ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state because
it was placed in that state by a user. Refer to the
Knowledgebase, User Guides, or Customer Support to
correct the problem.
Minimal mode: Dual plane not
The ioMemory device is currently running in a minimal
state. Device has been configured for dual-plane mode
but does not support dual-plane mode. Refer to the
Knowledge Base, User Guides or Customer Support to
correct the problem.
Minimal mode: Missing midprom
The ioMemory device is currently running in a minimal
state. Device is missing midprom data. Refer to the
Knowledge Base, User Guides or Customer Support to
correct the problem.
Minimal mode: Unsupported
Operating System.
The ioMemory device is currently running in a minimal
state. Device will not function on the current operating
system. Refer to the Knowledge Base, User Guides or
Customer Support to correct the problem.
Minimal mode: Fallback firmware.
The ioMemory is currently running in a minimal state.
Board running on FALLBACK firmware image. Refer to the
Knowledgebase, User Guides, or Customer Support to
correct the problem.
Power write governing activated.
Power write governing activated, performance may be
limited. If this condition persists, switch to a higher
powered PCIe slot or attach external power cable.
Cluster communication degraded
A single path of the redundant cluster communication link
is disconnected.
Thermal write governing activated.
Thermal write governing activated, performance may be
limited. If this condition persists, increase air flow, lower
room temperature or reduce write load.
System problem detected
The system has encountered an unexpected issue and a
reboot is recommended to correct the problem. If this
condition persists, refer to Customer Support for further
Pool is running in a degraded state
due to failed RAID (not rebuilding).
Pool is running in a degraded state due to failed RAID (not