Dell Acceleration Appliances for Databases User Manual

Page 68

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2. Enter a unique username and password, and then confirm the password.

3. If you want to disable this user’s account, clear the “Enable this user account” box

(checked by default).

4. In the Role list, select the role for the user: Admin (allowed to see and perform all

operations) or Monitor (view-only access; cannot perform configuration operations).

5. Click Save.

To edit a username, click the Username link and type the new name.

To delete a user, click the corresponding Delete link.

Bulk Actions

Using the checkboxes next to each user, you can select an action to apply to all the selected users.
The bulk actions are Enable, Disable, and Delete; the Roles are Admin and Monitor. Rights for the
selected role are automatically applied to each selected user.

Changing Passwords

To change a user's password, click a username in the screen. To change your password while you
are logged in, click your user name in the upper right corner of the screen. Either action displays
the Edit User dialog.