Naming conventions for storage pools, Naming requirements, Ha considerations – Dell Acceleration Appliances for Databases User Manual
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• Reliable Capacity –
apacity is emphasized over performance and fault tolerance,
employing a RAID 5 configuration. A single ioDrive failure can be sustained without loss
of data, and read performance is better than write performance. At least three ioDrive
devices are required, and they must all be of the same type and capacity.
The Reliable Capacity option is supported only in standalone mode, not HA.
• Direct Access – Maximum capacity is emphasized, similar to a JBOD storage
configuration, without redundant storage or striping. In Direct Access mode, each
ioMemory module is presented as an individual storage pool. This option uses
host/appliance/application-based logical volume management instead of using this
appliance’s logical volume management.
The available capacity is affected by the storage profile you choose. For each profile, RAID
configuration and overhead is factored into the available capacity displayed.
Naming Conventions for Storage Pools
The default storage pool name is “storagepool-#” where “#” is 1 or the next unused number.
You can change any storage pool name according to the requirements listed below.
Naming Requirements
When you choose names for storage pools, volumes, initiators, initiator groups, aliases, or targets,
they must follow these rules:
• Only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores may be used.
• There is a 16-character maximum for names.
• Any combination of lowercase or uppercase letters may be used.
• Names must begin with a letter (not a digit, dash, or underscore).
• Names may not be duplicated within the ION Accelerator appliance.
HA Considerations
Storage profiles that are based on HA configurations may have slightly different characteristics.
With two-node HA clusters, identical pools are created on each node, and the pool name will be
the same for each.