Dell Acceleration Appliances for Databases User Manual

Page 34

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Select an initiator group from the Initiator Group list.

To avoid confusion, use a different naming scheme for initiators and groups, so you can
easily tell them apart and not unintentionally alter one or the other.

4. Select the block size appropriate for your application.

Block size for most applications should be set to 512B.

5. Select the target ports in the drop-down list(s) for the host(s) you want this initiator to

access. (By default, all the target ports are selected).

The first example below shows a selection list from the first ION Accelerator host in an
HA cluster (IONr1i45) using Fibre Channel. Two ports (identified by WWPNs) are selected
(green) for the IONr1i45 host. (To see the entire IDs on screen, scroll to the right.) You
can also select “All Targets” or select different target ports.

6. If you want to remove (block) all access for an initiator group, click the red trashcan icon

at the right of the configuration row. (This does not delete the initiator itself.)

7. Click Submit to grant initiator access.