Dynalco SC-2124M Scanner/Monitor User Manual

Page 23

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5.2.4 SCAN Screen

The SCAN Screen is the default SCANNER screen. The SCAN Screen displays each
enabled scanner channel for three seconds (delay is user-configurable) before displaying the
next enabled channel. Each channel display includes channel number, name, current
analog input reading (with units), and SHUTDOWN TRIP threshold (with units). If no
scanner channels are enabled, the SCAN Screen displays ‘ALL CHANNELS DISABLED’.

The SCAN Screen also contains fast navigation links back to the Main Menu Screen, as well
as to the Custom, Channel, and SNAP Screens. As from the Main Menu, to navigate to a
particular Run Screen, the user must press the Soft Key located directly under the
corresponding Screen Name listed in the last row of the SCAN Screen. In addition to the
fast navigational link, the user may also navigate back to the Main Menu by pressing the
ESC Key.

5.2.5 Custom Screen(s)

The Custom Screen(s) are user-configurable screens that display up to four scanner
channels per custom screen. The user may configure up to eight total scanner channels to
be displayed on two custom screens. If both custom screens are active, each custom screen
displays its configured scanner channels for three seconds (delay is user-configurable)
before displaying the next custom screen. If no custom screens are active, the Custom

A custom screen is active if at least one scanner channel is configured to display on the

screen. Each scanner channel is displayed on its own row. If a user-configured channel
name is available, this channel name is displayed on the left-hand portion of the row.
Otherwise, the channel number is displayed on the left-hand portion of the row. The
channel’s current analog input reading is displayed on the right-hand portion of the row. If
the channel is disabled, the right-hand portion of the row displays ‘DISABLED’ instead of the
current analog input reading.

To navigate back to the Main Menu, the user must press the ESC Key.

5.2.6 Channel Screens

The Channel Screens display individual scanner channels. The display of each scanner
channel is identical to the format described for the SCAN Screen. Each channel displays
channel number, name, current analog input reading (with units), and SHUTDOWN TRIP
threshold (with units). Unlike the SCAN Screen, the SCANNER displays the individual
scanner channel without automatically displaying the next scanner channel after three
seconds. Note that the SCANNER returns to the Main SCANNER Screen after 60 seconds
of user inactivity (See Section 5.2.3).

To display the next scanner channel, the user must press the right-most Soft Key, labeled
‘NEXT’. In addition, the user may press the DOWN Key to display the next scanner channel
or the UP Key to display the previous scanner channel. To navigate back to the Main Menu,
the user must press the ESC Key.

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