Dynalco PG-100 Pulser User Manual
Pg-100, Rpm pulser, Year warranty

RPM Pulser
Product Data Sheet
March 2009
Instrumentation & Controls
Converts Shaft Rotation
into Signal Frequency
The PG-100 can be used when a gear is not
available on the shaft to generate a signal frequency
from a magnetic pickup, or when it is more convenient
to slip on theis transducer than to mount a gear or
sprocket with associated bracket to hold the
magnetic pickup with appropriate spacing.
Thre are 60 gear teeth on the rotor inside the PG-
100. The gear teeth face the pole piece of the
magnetic pickup mounted on the fixed-position
outer ring. The pickup guard is positioned against a
fixed surface to prevent movement of the outer ring.
As the shaft rotates, a signal frequency, numerically
equal to rpm, is generated by the pickup. The
waveshape of the output voltage is approximately
The PG-100 RPM Pulser provides an
output frequency directly proportional and
numerically equal, in Hz, to the RPM of
the shaft on which it is mounted. No
external power required. Shaft diameters
from 1/2 inch to 1-1/4 inches, in increments
of 1/16 inch, can be accommodated. The
PG-100 develops a signal frequency used
with Dynalco’s electronic tachometers,
other totalizers, frequency-to-DC
converters, and similar equipment.
For every shaft revolution, 60 pulses or cycles are
produced; a shaft rotating at 1 rpm produces 60
cycles in one minute or 1 cycle per second so:
Rpm (of shaft) = Frequency in Hz
(of pickup output voltage).
The PG-100 can be equipped with magnetic pickup
M101 (standard), M102 (for low speed applications),
or any other Dynalco pickup with a pole piece of
0.106 inch diameter or less. Refer to the Dynalco
pickup catalog for full specifications and
characteristics of these pickups.
At a load resistance of 5,000 ohms or greater, 0.005
inch gap, typical ouputs are:
M101: 2 mVrms per rpm
M102: 6 mVrms per rpm
The PG-100 Rpm Pulser is designed for use over
shaft speed ranges up to 0 - 2000 rpm. It employs a
permanently lubricated, shielded, and sealed
bearing. No brushes, slip rings, or other parts that
wear out over time are used.