Getting started quickly – Bio-Rad BioLogic LP System User Manual
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This manual provides detailed discussion of the use and maintenance of the BioLogic LP system. Listed
below is an overview of the steps involved in setting up and using your system.
Setting up the electrical and plumbing connections:
Connect system cabling, as shown in Figure 11, System Cable Connections. Note the following:
Chart recorder: Be sure to plug the conductivity signal banana plugs into Channel 2 of the chart
recorder. (Refer to Chapter 3, step 6 for connecting the chart recorder.)
All chart recorder controls should be set to the position marked in green.
Fraction collector: Because this depends on the type of fraction collector you will be using, it is rec-
ommended that you read Chapter 3, steps 7 and 8 for connecting the fraction collector.
Select and install the pump head tubing: Select a tubing according to the flow rate that will be used for
the separation. (Refer to sections 4.1 and 4.2 for plumbing the pump.)
Adjust the platen pressure: Read section 4.2, which discusses adjusting the platen.
Plumb the system: Refer to Figure 14, System Plumbing. Note the following:
Arrows embossed on the UV Optics module indicate flow direction.
The MV-6 Inject valve will conform to the diagram when the knob is turned counterclockwise.
Provide a drain tube for the rack tray.
Setting up the operating conditions:
Using the BioLogic Lp’s front panel, from the Mode keys select Manual.
Select your fraction collector: From the Instrument keys select Collector. From the screen display
select the Model softkey.
Calibrate the pump: This is essential for acquiring an accurate displayed flow rate. From the
Instrument keys select Pump. From the screen display select the Flow softkey. To calibrate, read
section 5.2.1, Manual Mode Operation of the Pump.
Purge air from the system: From the screen display select the Purge softkey.
When the UV Monitor has warmed up (5 to 10 minutes after power on), select a sensitivity range
and zero the UV Monitor: From the Instrument keys select UV. From the screen display select the
Set Range or Set Max (your choice) and Zero softkeys.
Using the thumbwheel on the chart recorder, adjust the position of the Channel 1 chart recorder pen.
Select a sensitivity range for the Conductivity Monitor: From the Instrument keys select Cond.
From the screen display select the Set Range or Min/Max (your choice) softkey.
Using the chart recorder’s thumbwheel, adjust the position of the Channel 2 chart recorder pen.
Program a method: From the Mode keys select Program. Refer to section 5.3 for discussion.
Getting Started