Analyte table, Interpreting p-value statistics – Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Data Pro™ Software User Manual

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Bio-Plex Data Pro Software User Guide | Interpreting P-Value Statistics


Analyte Table

The analyte table is the table at the top of this view. It contains a list of all
analytes in the selected samples. Each row in the table contains the analyte
name and descriptive statistics for the population of samples for this analyte.









In the main toolbar you can select one of the following measurements for the
analyte table. If all toolbar commands are not visible, click the triangle on the
right side of the toolbar to view hidden commands.

Fluorescent intensity (FI) — a relative measurement of fluorescent intensity
based on the median, a robust statistical measure

Observed concentration — observed concentration of the analyte,
calculated from its fluorescent intensity and the standard curve

Observed concentration within range — observed concentration that falls
within the range of standard concentrations, given a specified recovery range

Ratio — normalized ratio, fold expression, or gene expression value
calculated in Bio-Plex Manager™ software

Interpreting P-Value Statistics

Bio-Plex Data Pro™ software automatically calculates P-values. You can
quickly sort the analytes by their P-values and examine the analytes with the
lowest P-values in order to visually see the differences between the samples
groups. Bio-Plex Data Pro uses P-values to discriminate between sample