Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

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2.2 Installing Camera Driver (PVCAM 2.5.8) and the PCI Card

The following procedure applies to new installations of PDQuest version 7.0 and higher,

and the ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter. This is for installations on a system where no other
Roper Scientific software exists.

** Important Note: install the camera driver software BEFORE physically installing

the PCI card hardware in the computer.

Installation Procedure

1. Insert The Discovery Series / PDQuest install CD in the CD-ROM. The disk will start up

and show the "Discovery Series" Window.

2. Select "Explore CD".

3. Select PDQUEST folder.

4. Select CoolSNAP folder

(Readme file has detailed instructions for installing PVCam Setup)

5. Select


Follow on screen instructions to set up the camera software.

Select standard installation

Use the default destination folder location C\: Program Files\Roper Scientific\PVCam

6. When software installation is complete, select "No. I will restart my computer later,"

remove CD, click finish, and shut down computer.

7. Install the PCI Card in an open PCI slot on the computer mother-board and connect the

camera cable.

8. Reboot computer and turn camera on.

9. Run "RSConfig" program (Start\Programs\RoperScientific\RSConfig.) to confirm that

camera name is entered. Do not rename the camera in the RSConfig program, leave the
default name "Camera 1".

10. Run PVCam test to confirm that camera is functional. Make sure that the camera is on and

connected to the PCI Card.

Start\Program|Roper Scientific\PVCam test.

11. Click on collect image to acquire an image and verify camera functionality.

12. When completed, install PDQuest software as described in the PDQuest manual.

Troubleshooting Camera Driver and PCI Card Installation

The camera driver for the ProteomeWorks spot cutter camera exists on the install disk

for the Discovery Series software. Beginning with PDQuest version 7.0, the camera driver
software has changed to a new version (version 2.5.8). The installation procedure for new
installations has changed significantly from the earlier version of the camera driver (which
existed on the PDQuest 6.2.1 version). The new procedure has been included with the spot
cutter manual 4006196 beginning with Revision E.

If an existing computer running a ProteomeWorks Spot Cutter is to be upgraded to

PDQuest version 7.0 or higher, only the new version of PDQuest needs to be loaded. This
will overwrite the existing version of PDQuest, but the existing camera driver will work with
PDQuest 7.0 and higher. There is no need to load the camera driver that exists on the install
disk with PDQuest 7.0 or higher.