Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 23

The wells are designed to accommodate a 1.5 ml capless micro test tube, such as the
Bio-Rad catalog number 223-9500.
Click "spot cutter settings" icon in setup area of the "Basic Excision Tool" dialog box.
To calibrate the wash well position, place the cursor behind the value shown in either the
x or y position box under "wash well position" and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
This will move the cutting tip to the first wash well position without lowering the
cutting tip into the well, to prevent potential bending of the cutting tip in cases of severe
Visibly assess where the cutting tip is in relation to the first wash well (the first wash
well is the top left of the 4 wash wells). The number values in the boxes represent the x,
y coordinates on the cutting platform (1 unit = 1 mm). Change the x, y coordinates to
position the cutting tip to the center of well A1. When entering a new value, press return
to move the cutting tip to the adjusted coordinates. To move the cutting tip towards the
front of the platform, decrease the Y value; to move towards the back of the platform,
increase the Y value. In order to move the cutting tip to the right, increase the X value; to
move to the left, decrease the X value. The up/down and right/left arrow keys are used for
fine adjustments of the x, y coordinates (one click = 0.1 mm)
When the cutting tip is centered over the well, click the "Test" button to assess the
clearance into the wash well. Once the tip is set to the first wash well, the interwell dimensions
are already in the software, so the tip is calibrated for all four wash wells. Press the "Done"
button to save the calibration changes.