Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 10

Gel-holding bars
Two custom designed stainless steel Gel-holding Bars are included in the accessory box
with the spot cutter. These gel holding bars are used to immobilize the Coomassie stained
PVDF membrane during the X, Y calibration procedure, as well as for general gel excision
processing. While the cutting tip does not impart any orthogonal force to the gel, correct
placement of these Gel-holding bars on the gel prevents any gel movement during the gel
excision process.
Position the bars resting on the outer edge of the gel or membrane. It is best to position them
to the left side and bottom of the gel so they are out of the cutting tip travel path.
2.6 Camera Mount Installation
Remove the camera mount and mounting screws from the Camera System box (catalog
number 165-7029).
The camera mount is bolted to the end of the camera arm. Position the camera mount on
the camera arm of the spot cutter and use the 6 mm hex wrench from the accessories box
to secure the camera mount onto the camera arm with the large hex screw.
Tighten the screw to snug, but do not overtighten. Some mobility is needed for the
camera alignment procedure.
Fig. 4. Camera mount.
2.7 Camera Installation
Remove the camera from the Camera System box and remove the blue protective film
from the front of the camera.
Remove the 8 mm lens from the Camera System box.
Use the red handled 2 mm hex driver in the accessories box to tighten the 2 mm hex screw
in the silver locking collar of the lens (if it is loose) before mounting it on the camera.
Screw the lens into the C-mount fitting on the camera until snug.
Attach the camera to the camera arm by placing the camera against the ridge of the
camera mount. Secure the camera to the mount with the camera screw through the slot in
the camera mount.