Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual

Page 20

background image

3.4 Camera Alignment—X Crop

Place calibration template on cutting platform and click "Acquire Image" button.

Evaluate the image and determine proper cropping. Look for a black border on the left and
right sides of the image.

To change the image positioning, click "Spot Cutter Settings" button. In the "Spot Cutter
Settings" window the value for the "Crop left margin" can be changed. Change the
setting by ~20 units to reposition the image. An increase in unit value moves the image
to the left, a decrease in the unit value moves the image to the right.

Click the "Done" button in the "Spot Cutter Settings" window each time a new value is
entered before acquiring a new image.

Acquire Image after each change. Continue until the image is centered, i.e., a black
border is visible on the left and right sides of image.

3.5 Setting Cutting Tip Height

Place the cutting mat and protective gel sheet on the cutting platform.

Click the "Set Cutting Tip Height" icon in the Set up area of the "Basic Excision Tool"
dialog box to move the cutting head to the middle of the cutting platform and the "set
cutting height" dialog box appears on the screen.

From the "Set Cutting Tip Height" dialog box, use the "lower head" command to assess
how far down the cutting tip goes. The cutting tip should lightly push down onto the
protective gel sheet. If the cutting tip is too high off the cutting mat or too far down into
the cutting mat adjust the cutting tip height.

The adjustment is performed while the cutting head is in the Set Cutting Tip Height
location, i.e., in the center of the platform. This allows for quick testing of the setting.

Adjusting Cutting Tip Height
Click on the “Set Cutting Tip Height” icon to move the cutting head to the middle of the
cutting platform. From the "Set Cutting Tip Height" icon, use the "Head Down"
command to assess how far down the cutting tip goes. Make sure a cutting mat and gel
cutting sheet are included to adjust the height correctly. If it is visibly off the cutting
surface, adjust the tip down as described next. The adjustment can be performed with the
instrument "on" and in place in the Set Cutting Tip Height location. Steps for Adjusting
Cutting Tip Height. Cutting tip should be in "Head Down" position.
1. Loosen the spindle hexagonal screw as indicted in diagram 1.
2. Adjust the height by moving the shaft up or down as required.
3. Tighten the screw after adjusted.

When the tip depth looks correct, use the "Test Cut" function to test the cutting depth. A
PVDF membrane on the platform works well for this test. The membrane needs to be wetted
as described for best cutting capability.

To test for correct cutting tip height make sure the cutting tip is in the raised position,
click on "Raise Head".

Place a scrap piece of wetted PVDF membrane under the cutting tip. Click the "Test Cut"
function to test the cutting depth. The membrane should be cut through and the piece
picked up in the cutting tip.