Bio-Rad Components for Older Model Spot Cutter User Manual
Page 25

Press the onscreen start key to begin the calibration process.
The Spot Cutter will proceed to cut 25 spots in an array of 5 rows with 5 spots per row.
Once all 25 spots are cut, the system will automatically take an image of the PVDF
membrane with the 25 cut spots and calibrate itself.
A dialog box will appear stating that the calibration is successfully completed. The
system is now ready for gel spot cutting. Press OK and the process is complete.
The calibration will remain in place for many months of routine spot cutting. However, if
there is excessive vibration in the lab, or on the lab bench, from instruments other than the spot
cutter, or if the spot cutter and/or camera is moved or bumped, evaluate the accuracy of the
cutting. If it is unacceptable, repeat the calibration procedure.
Note: If Calibration fails.
Calibration will fail if not all 25 spots are cut. Uncut spots are due to either insufficient water on
the PVDF membrane, or the cutting tip not cutting deeply enough. Evaluate whether more water
was needed and/or cutting tip adjustment is needed. If many of the holes did not have score marks
or were barely scored, adjust the cutting tip depth to slightly down from the present position. See
Section 3.5 for cutting tip height adjustment. Then restart the calibration procedure. Follow the
onscreen directions and note that you can skip the steps leading up to the PVDF cutting step. If
the holes have still not been cut completely, call Bio-Rad technical service for troubleshooting.