Ultra-cut 300 xt – Tweco 300 XT Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System User Manual

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Manual 0�5�7�

�. If the incoming voltage is OK and the problem persists it may be System Bias, CCM or connection between

J6� and J�7.

a. If the incoming voltage is OK and D1�, CV LOW, is on or the signal “C V LOW b” on J6��10 is “high”

(about ��VDC, relative to TP1 or J6��8 ) the System Bias board is defective.

b. If D1� is not on and signal “C V HIGH b” on J6��10 is “low” (about 10�1�VDC, relative to TP1 or J6��8)

then System Bias is OK and problem is in the CCM.

c. If J6��10 is near zero volts there may be a bad connection between J6��10 and J�7�10 or J6��7 and J�7�7.

241-246 Inverter Section Input Voltage Error.

The System Bias board checks for input voltage high, low or missing a phase from the power coming in from the

power cord. It is unlikely but not impossible that a problem with the incoming power could result in ��1���6

codes. The ��1���6 codes more likely point to problems with the power into or within a single inverter section

or in the case of missing phase it may be the contactor that supplies up to 3 inverter sections.

Once the input contactors close, applying voltage to the inverters, they test for input too high or too low and

for missing phase. When the input voltage is in the correct range, a green LED, D�, named REDY, lights on

the left side of the main inverter board. If D� is not on, either the input voltage is out of range or the inverter

is defective.

You can still get the ��1���6 code with a missing phase with the REDY LED on. The LED will be going on

and off rapidly but appears to the eye to be on. In this case you can measure the signal on the ribbon cable.

The signal previously called REDY is now called C_INPUT_FLT. It is a differential signal on pins 1(+) &

�(�) of the inverters 30 pin ribbon cable. If the C input is correct you should read 5�6V between the pins. If

C_INPUT_FLT is true voltage on pins 1 & � will be less than �V.

Some of the other faults such as Inverter Fault and Over Temperature also set the C_INPUT_FLT (not Ready).

However, they will latch on associated LEDs or set different fault codes. In the event of an Input Voltage Fault

the CCM does not remove power from the inverter.

Things that can cause Input Voltage Fault codes:

1. Intermittently having the power drop out on one or more phases for at least 1 ms. a longer term loss would

more likely trigger a different fault. If it’s the incoming power it would be likely not always be the same


�. Phase missing or intermittent to a specific inverter the fault would always call out that inverter.

3. Intermittent connections on the fault signal internal to the inverter.

247-252 Inverter Fault

Once the input contactors close applying voltage to the inverters several tests are performed. The Inverter Fault

signal latches on so even if the cause has gone away you can see that there was a fault as indicated by red LED

D1, INV FLT on the inverter Control & Fault PCB. It is reset by applying start signal or cycling power. If the

fault is still present it will come back on.

Things that cause an inverter fault:

• One or more of the local bias supplies (+/-12VDC) failed or out of spec. Green LEDs on Cap Bias board

labeled +1�V (D13) & �1�V (D6) indicate the supplies are present but not necessarily that they are in toler�


• Input capacitor voltage imbalance indicated by D3 CAP IMBALANCE LED (red) on left side of main

inverter board. pplies to units with series connected capacitors (380��80V units).

• Too much current in the main transformer (switching transformer) primary, D32, PRI OC LED (red), on

inverter control board.

INV_FLT is a differential signal on pins 3(+) & �(�) of the inverters 30 pin ribbon cable. If there is not a fault you

should read 5�6V between the two pins. If INV_FLT is true voltage on pins 3 & � will be less than �V.