Icnc xt – Tweco iCNC XT User Manual

Page 91

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Manual 0-5299



5.12.7 Other Way to Check the Cutting Area

You can check if the next cutting program fi ts on the plate this way as well.

1. Bring the cutting program to CURRENT JOB window by clicking the Next Job Preview button in it.

2. Set the torch on o,opoint and press ZERO.

3. Move the mouse on this window and click the left mouse button. A window appears which shows the torch position with big numbers

and the mouse cursor starts to follow the torch position.

4. Drive the torch on the critical corner of the program and check if there still is plate under the torch.

5. Use zoom to check the situation exactly. Zoom window follows the torch automatically.

6. If the program location is OK, press the MANUAL MODE button and the machine returns to the 0,0point.

7. Free the mouse by pressing the left mouse button on the right screen area again. This also closes the Tool Position window.

5.12.8 Cut Path Recovery

This tool is used to return to cut path in the event the program was stopped and the torch was moved from the path.

1. Press and release the TORCH ON/OFF button to stop motion and cutting.

2. Turn on the MANUAL MODE by pressing and releasing the MANUAL MODE button and use the Jog key buttons to drive the torch to a

convenient place to perform work on the torch.

3. Service the torch.

4. Turn off the MANUAL MODE by pressing and releasing the MANUAL MODE button - the button starts to fl ash and the torch travels

back to exit point of the program path.

5. Press and release the TORCH ON/OFF button to ON and cutting will start again and continue cutting on programmed path.

5.12.9 How to pierce in the Scrap Area Prior to Finding the Cut Path.

1. After Step 4 turn on the MANUAL MODE again by pressing and releasing the MANUAL MODE button.

2. Use the Jog key buttons and reposition the torch close to the end of the cut. Stay on the scrap side. Click on Cut Path Recovery button

located on the Current Job Screen and machine will automatically start the piercing at this point and pick up the cut path to continue
cutting on the programmed path.