Basic information, Terms (continued) – SONIQ DVR150 User Manual
Page 8

Multiple camera angles function
Certain DVD discs offer multiple camera angles function, When using such function, press the ANGLE
button to view the scenes at different camera angles.
Multiple dubbing languages function
V a r i o u s d u b b i n g l a n g u a g e s a r e r e c o r d e d i n s o m e D V D d i s c s .
Multiple subtitles function
Multiple language subtitles are recorded in some DVD discs. Press the SUBTITLE button to select
different language subtitles.
Regional code
To protect intellectual property, the involved organizations partition the world into six regions,
each of which can only use the DVD player and DVD disc with the given regional code. The
illustration on the right shows symbols of the six regions. One DVD player with a given regional
code cannot play the disc with another regional code. The partition of regional codes is as follows:
1. Canada, USA;
2. Japan, Europe, South Africa, Middle East,
3. Southeast Asia, East Asia ;
4. Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, Central America, Mexico, Latin America, Caribbean Sea;
5. Russia, India, Africa, Korea, Mongolia;
6. China.