Kenco Engineering SmartSonic Transmitter (Integral) User Manual
Page 29

Page 29
This section describes how to resolve problems that may occur when calibrating / operating the SmartSonic. If the
following information does not lead to a resolution of the problem, contact Kenco for assistance.
Electrical Noise in Area
Check the Power Supply. If needed,
install a voltage “snubber”. When
active, the output will be 22mA
Faulty Power Supply
Make sure that the Power Supply
conforms to the SmartSonic
Specifications. If the problem
persists, replace the Power Supply.
When active, the output will be 22mA
Sensor disconnected
Contact Kenco for further instructions.
When active, the output will be 22mA
Any combination of (3) 8’s and a 1,
indicates an electrical short caused by
depressing the buttons too long
Contact Kenco for further instructions
Appears for several seconds after
restarting the unit. If it is displayed for
more than several seconds, it may be
due to one of the following:
Power supply voltage is too low
Load resistor resistance is too
high or unnecessary
A random pulse that causes the unit
to automatically restart
Make sure that the Power Supply
conforms to the SmartSonic
Specifications. If the problem
persists, replace the Power Supply
Measurement value is greater than
Double check the unit configuration
Pr.02 – Pr.09)
In Flow Mode, appears when the
entered tank height is incorrect
Decrease the Tank Height Value
Target in Dead Zone
Move sensor further away from
process fluid.
Level below “Tank Height”, or tank
empty (causing false echoes).
Check the level of the tank. Make
sure that there is some fluid below the