Control throws – E-flite Ultimate 20-300 10 ARF User Manual
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E-flite Ultimate 20-300 Assembly Manual
10. Position both ailerons in their neutral positions. Use a
2mm x 6mm machine screw and #1 Phillips screwdriver
to secure the linkage.
11. Repeat Steps 8 through 10 to connect the remaining
top and bottom ailerons.
Control Throws
1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your Ultimate
20-300. Check the movement of the rudder using the
transmitter. When the stick is moved right, the rudder
should also move right. Reverse the direction of the servo
at the transmitter if necessary.
2. Check the movement of the elevator with the radio
system. Moving the elevator stick down will make the
airplane elevator move up.
3. Check the movement of the ailerons with the radio
system. Moving the aileron stick right will make the right
aileron move up and the left aileron move down.
4. Use a ruler to adjust the throw of the elevator, ailerons
and rudder. Adjust the position of the pushrod at the
control horn to achieve the following measurements when
moving the sticks to their endpoints.
One of the most important things to making a precision type
airplane fly and feel right is the servo and linkage set up. With
the Ultimate 20-300, as with any high performance airplane,
it very important that the radio, servo and linkage set up be
optimized to its full extent. This will ensure that you get the
proper travel, resolution, precision and torque out of the servo.
The steps that follow will guide you to a proper and more
precise flying Ultimate 20-300.
The setup for each airplane will differ slightly but here are the
major things that you will want to pay close attention to.
Servo Arm Length
You do NOT want the pushrod as far out on the servo arms as
you can get it. Place the pushrod in the servo arm at the nearest
hole to the center of the servo that will still achieve full travel of
the surface without binding or running the pushrod over center.