E-flite Ultimate 20-300 10 ARF User Manual
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E-flite Ultimate 20-300 Assembly Manual
E-flite's Ultimate 20-300 10 ARF is a sport replica of the
rare two-place aerobatic aircraft. The large wing area and
light wing loading of its biplane design provide smooth flight
characteristics and precise response. The Ultimate is designed
around E-flite's Power 10, which provides excellent power
for any aerobatic maneuver. The Ultimate's features include:
and UltraCote Lite covering, steerable tail wheel,
authentic Ultimate style spinner, fiberglass cowl and wheel
pants, plastic molded wing fillets, and a lightweight balsa and
plywood frame. The features and level of prefabrication of
the Ultimate allows the modelers to have the ability to fly this
incredible biplane in less time than similar models.
Intermediate pilots will enjoy the ability to grow their skills
rapidly with the Ultimate, while advanced pilots will enjoy
maximum performance with no extra effort.
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly
easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each
major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed next
to each step to keep track of each step completed. Steps with
a single circle () are performed once, while steps with two
circles ( ) indicate that the step will require repeating, such
as for a right or left wing panel, two servos, etc.
Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................... 2
Using the Manual ................................................................ 2
Contents of Kit/Parts Layout ................................................. 3
Covering Colors .................................................................. 3
Required Radio Equipment ................................................... 3
Required Tools and Adhesives .............................................. 4
Important Information About Motor Selection ........................ 4
Brushless Outrunner Setup ................................................... 4
Optional Accessories ........................................................... 4
Notes Regarding Servos and ESC ........................................ 4
Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries ........................................ 4
Warning ............................................................................. 4
Warranty Information .......................................................... 5
Safety, Precautions, and Warnings ....................................... 7
Hinging the Ailerons ............................................................ 7
Aileron Servo Installation ................................................... 10
Stabilizer Installation ......................................................... 15
Hinging the Rudder and Stabilizer ...................................... 19
Rudder and Elevator Servo Installation ................................ 22
Receiver and Landing Gear Installation ............................... 24
Motor and Cowling Installation .......................................... 25
Upper Wing and Canopy Installation ................................. 29
Control Throws .................................................................. 32
Final Control Throws .......................................................... 34
Center of Gravity .............................................................. 35
Preflight ............................................................................ 35
Range Test Your Radio ....................................................... 36
Flying Your Ultimate 20-300 .............................................. 36
Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by
Users in the European Union ................................... 36
2008 Official AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code ... 37
Building and Flying Notes .................................................. 38