E-flite Extra 300 32e ARF User Manual

Page 8

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E-flite Extra 300 32e ARF Assembly Manual

When installing the servo horn on the aileron servo it

must be positioned parallel to the aileron hinge line.


11. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the

stock servo horn from the servo. Use the radio

system to center the aileron servo. Attach a heavy-

duty servo horn to the servo using the screw from

the servo and a #1 Phillips screwdriver.


12. Use a pin vise and a 5/64-inch (2mm) drill bit

to enlarge the outer hole in the servo horn.


13. Insert the Z-bend of the 2




-inch (64mm) linkage

wire into the hole in the servo horn as shown.


14. Slide a clevis retainer on a clevis as shown.


15. Thread the clevis on the aileron linkage wire.

With the radio system on, adjust the clevis so the

aileron is aligned when the clevis is attached to the

control horn. Slide the clevis retainer over the forks

of the clevis to prevent it from opening in flight.

16. Repeat Steps 1 through 15 to install the

remaining aileron servo.