Watts Autotrol 263 / 268 (Logix Series) User Manual
Page 10

Rev A
Observe all warnings that appear in this manual.
Keep the media tank in the upright position. Do not turn on side,
upside down, or drop. Turning the tank upside down will cause media
to enter the valve.
Operating ambient temperature is between 34
°F (1°C) and 120°F
Operating water temperature is between 34
°F (1°F) and 100°F (38°C).
Working water pressure range is 20 to 120 psi (1.38 to 8.27 bar). In
Canada the acceptable working water pressure range is 20 to 100 psi
(1.38 to 6.89 bar).
Use only regenerant salts designed for water softening. Do not use ice
melting, block, or rock salts.
Follow state and local codes for water testing. Do not use water that is
micro biologically unsafe or of unknown quality.
When filling media tank, do not open water valve completely. Fill tank
slowly to prevent media from exiting the tank.
When installing the water connection (bypass or manifold) connect to
the plumbing system first. Allow heated parts to cool and cemented
parts to set before installing any plastic parts. Do not get primer or
solvent on O-rings, nuts, or the valve.
System Regeneration Cycles (7-Cycle Operation)
1. Service (Downflow) — Cycle C0:
Untreated water is directed down through the resin bed and up through the
riser tube. The hardness ions attach themselves to the resin and are removed
from the water. The water is conditioned as it passes through the resin bed.
2. Backwash (Upflow) — Cycles C1, C6:
The flow of water is reversed by the control valve and directed down the riser
tube and up through the resin bed. During the backwash cycle, the bed is
expanded and debris is flushed to the drain.
3. Brine/Slow Rinse (Downflow) — Cycles C2, C3:
The control directs water through the brine injector and brine is drawn from
the regenerant tank. The brine is then directed down through the resin bed
and up through the riser tube to the drain. The hardness ions are displaced by
sodium ions and are sent to the drain. The resin is regenerated during the
brine cycle. Brine draw is completed when the air check closes.
4. Repressurize Cycle — (Hard Water Bypass Flapper Open), Cycle C4:
This cycle closes the flappers for a short time to allow the air and water to
hydraulically balance in the valve before continuing the regeneration.